Thursday, June 13, 2013

what people think about me =)

 - I don't think I'll ever find another sweet Malay friend like you. You redefined friendship beyond race and religion. You are cute beyond words and please just shut up when I say you are sweet. You have a smile that lights up a room and though I am too busy at times, I always think of you and talk about you to my family. You prove that we can co-exist together. We have our lil fight but that's what makes us stronger. U are selfless and team-oriented and I learn so much from you. I am a better person after getting to know you as well. I love you! 

p/s : this person is a special friends from me. she makes me stronger and i can have her anytime she free.. hehehe... macammane aku nak explain yer, dia ni sangat best! u r awesome. serius~

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